dinsdag 19 mei 2015

Furious Warstomper

Furious Warstomper (custom Hearthstone card)
Here is that Tauren card I promised in my previous post. I had some trouble with the art for this one, but I think the card would be rather fun to play with. The idea is that if you drop the Warstomper on the battlefield, he stomps the ground and all your opponent's minions fly into the air. Once they hit the ground, their sequence has been rearranged.

It's fairly obvious with what cards this would be useful. For example if your opponent is buffing adjacent minions (Dire Wolf Alpha or Flametongue Totem) that you want (or need) to kill. Also it might mess with your opponent's future plans (like playing a Sunfury Protector). Ofcouse, heroes like Hunter and Rogue may find it useful with some of the spells they have in their arsenal. It might help with casting a lucky Explosive shot or Betrayal in a situation that woul not have been possible before.

To be honest, I don't know if the card would be played that much, since you might call it too situational. However I do think the ability is fun and still unused in the game. With Blizzard creating all these RNG effect, its interessting they have not yet introduced such an effect. Is that because it might be to weak? Or is because they don't like dealing out negative effects to opponents?

Let me know what you think of it. The idea for this ability came up to my while riding the train today. Should I have left it there? :) 

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