Hi there! Today I'm uploading my
first concept for the Broken tribe. Like I’ve said in a previous article: It's
very difficult to find enough (and fitting) art of Broken Draenei. But.. if we
cheat a little bit here and there (I hope you don't notice it :P) we might be
able to pull it off.
The idea I had
revolved around Akama. He's known for his chain lightning spell and calling in
elemental wolves. I noticed how all current Hearthstone cards with lightning on
them; (Lightning Storm, Lightning Bolt & Forked Lightning) and the Feral
Spirit card, all have overload. So it would be perfect for Akama to revolve
around that ability.
I wanted to
recreate the Rebound mechanic from MTG but it would not fit the small
Hearthstone cards. That’s when I tried this set up for Akama. It might be
a little bit overboard (I mean overpowered with that), but for now it's okay.
The other Broken should revolve around this same mechanic. Most of these spells
deal "small" amounts of damage against multiple enemies. However, I
didn't knew eny better ability atm than to make them stronger against weakened
enemies. I might change that if I know something better.
Please leave comments. Tell me how overpowered they are. Do you have any good alternatives?
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