donderdag 29 mei 2014

Tinking Tribal: First Broken concepts

Akama (custom Hearthstone card)
Hi there! Today I'm uploading my first concept for the Broken tribe. Like I’ve said in a previous article: It's very difficult to find enough (and fitting) art of Broken Draenei. But.. if we cheat a little bit here and there (I hope you don't notice it :P) we might be able to pull it off. 

The idea I had revolved around Akama. He's known for his chain lightning spell and calling in elemental wolves. I noticed how all current Hearthstone cards with lightning on them; (Lightning Storm, Lightning Bolt & Forked Lightning) and the Feral Spirit card, all have overload. So it would be perfect for Akama to revolve around that ability. 

I wanted to recreate the Rebound mechanic from MTG but it would not fit the small Hearthstone cards.  That’s when I tried this set up for Akama. It might be a little bit overboard (I mean overpowered with that), but for now it's okay. The other Broken should revolve around this same mechanic. Most of these spells deal "small" amounts of damage against multiple enemies. However, I didn't knew eny better ability atm than to make them stronger against weakened enemies. I might change that if I know something better.

Ashtongue Rogue (custom Hearthstone card)Kurenai Champion (custom Hearthstone card)

Then there is the last card in this concept set. Deathsworn Soulseeker makes ALL Broken minions 2 mana cheaper. It's probably broken as hell... I know. But it seemed nice in combination with the Overload cost. So yeah. I think the current set-up is really BROKEN. hahaha :D It might give these cards a second look in the near future. 
Please leave comments. Tell me how overpowered they are. Do you have any good alternatives? 

Deathsworn Soulseeker (custom Hearthstone card)Ashtongue Battlelord (custom Hearthstone card)

woensdag 28 mei 2014

Update: Furbolgs and Fel Orcs

So lately I’m trying to think about new Races that could be added to the game. Currently the game has Murlocs & Pirates. I started thinking about Broken Draenei. However, ther is just too few art to make a good race out of. Basically there's Akama and 1 or two unnamed Broken art available. (too bad cause I had some fun idea's) Akkroa is the same deal. They would be perfect for Scry-like abilities The problem is, there is just no art available . Naga and Worgen seem nice races, however these already seem to have loose minions in game. So they’ll probably never become a full "Race". There is one race that does have a lot of art available. Furbolg seem to have the opportunity to become a decent Race in Hearthstone. I would have no clue though what to would bring to the table.  The seem very Shamanny? I don't really know much about these dudes. 

Another tribe / race that came to my mind lately are the Fel Orcs. They are not yet represented in the game and I'm wondering why. Are they going to be in an adventure? Are they going to a Race as well?

To be honest I'm wondering if they are ever going to introduce more Races to the game. Probably not any time soon, since there busy on working out the Adventure mode. Well I’m going to thinker about the possibilities with these two Races. Keep checking the blog in the near future. Maybe you'll see some of them appearing.

dinsdag 27 mei 2014

Darkspear Mystic

Darkspear Mystic (custom Hearthstone card)I'm on a roll! (not saying it's a good one :P) This is the third card dripping from my half-sleeping mind. So, the idea was that I wanted to create a card that had the "vibes" of a Stoneforge Mystic from MTG. I Really like that sweet old Kor card. She's a cheap costing minion with a huge ability. When I saw the art that I used for this card I immediately felt like Stoneforge Mystic. The only problem was the ability. I had no idea what to give to him and I didn't want to make it as strong as the Stoneforge Mystic.

That's when I came up with the idea to stop Hero Powers from working. It allows the player (Shaman) to control the board a little bit more. Not that they needed it, I was just too lazy coming up with any other idea. I hope you like the card. As always, leave comments below. I'm going to bed right now :)

PS: Now I think of it, maybe it's better to be a Warrior card (?)

Darkmoon Madness (fun-card)

Darkmoon Madness (custom Hearthstone card)
As the Moon glares through my bedroom window I thought of my deck. Which made me think of the name Darkmoon Deck. Those items you could get in WoW. And i thought of Professor Thaddeus Paleo. That crazy old dude were you completed the quest in order to get one of those decks. So I searched for a nice piece of art and I found this awesome one. Seriously a shout out to the artist Matt Cavotta. It's freaking awesome man! 

Well I came up with this funny ability for the card. When you play this spell, your entire deck gets replaced by a pre-made deck. Of course it would never see the light of day because it's a neutral spell, but whatever. It's awesome and I like it. I hope you like it too.

Lord Godfrey [Shadowfang Keep Raid Boss]

Yeeyyoo! Today I’m showing you a character I want to fight against. It's not a card, but an opposing hero for the upcoming Adventure mode. I really love the name Shadowfang Keep. It's so mysterious and dark! That’s why I would like to see an adventure about it. For this raid I chose the current boss to be the opponent. His name is Lord Godfrey and he is known for duel wielding two awesome pistols. Besides that he summons ghouls to fight by his side. 

Lord Godfrey (custom Hearthstone card)

I haven't thought of any minions from him yet. However, that should not be too hard since Shadowfang Keep has such awesome creatures dwelling in it. The Only card I came up with atm is Grim's Reach. Reducing all minions health by 1 so that Godfrey can shoot them off. But do note that his ability is random. He can kill his own minions ass well, so I have to figure out some minions that don't care about that (like creatures with rage abilities).
Like always, I hope you like the card. And if you don't tell me why in the comments to I can learn from that. ;) Have a nice day!

maandag 26 mei 2014

Pathaleon the Calculator

After my somewhat disappointing Satyr tribe, I’ve stopped creating new Custom Cards. However, lately I started to tinker again. When I was browsing the Wowhead database I remembered this particular instance boss. He has two abilities that I liked and I wanted to incorporate them in the game. Pathaleon the Calculator uses his Mana Tap ability to drain his opponent's mana and uses it to summons Nether Wraiths.

Pathaleon the Calculator (custom Hearthstone card)

Hearthstone could really use some more Blood Eleves and a 4 CMC Legendary would be nice. So I came up with the following design: "At the End of Each turn, summon a 1/1 Nether Wraith for each unspent mana that turn." This basically forces your opponent to empty his mana pool. On turn 5 this minion is a 4/5 for 5 mana. Which isn't that strong. However, on turn 10 he will hit the board for 8/9 power/toughness. That it, if you play no other cards of course.

Personally I don't think it's the best card out there. But it is something a bit new and that's what I’m searching for. New abilities that we haven't seen until now in Hearthstone.
I hope you like the card. Leave comments below! :P