dinsdag 27 mei 2014

Darkspear Mystic

Darkspear Mystic (custom Hearthstone card)I'm on a roll! (not saying it's a good one :P) This is the third card dripping from my half-sleeping mind. So, the idea was that I wanted to create a card that had the "vibes" of a Stoneforge Mystic from MTG. I Really like that sweet old Kor card. She's a cheap costing minion with a huge ability. When I saw the art that I used for this card I immediately felt like Stoneforge Mystic. The only problem was the ability. I had no idea what to give to him and I didn't want to make it as strong as the Stoneforge Mystic.

That's when I came up with the idea to stop Hero Powers from working. It allows the player (Shaman) to control the board a little bit more. Not that they needed it, I was just too lazy coming up with any other idea. I hope you like the card. As always, leave comments below. I'm going to bed right now :)

PS: Now I think of it, maybe it's better to be a Warrior card (?)

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