dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Hero-skins I would like to see

Like I stated before; I'd love to see more diversity in Hearthstone than there is at this moment in time. The Hero skins have to power to do exactly that. For example: Magni is the first Dwarft Hero and Alleria is an Elf.  Medvish is in my opinion the coolest new hero, but he replaces a already human hero. Which is a bit of a missed opportunity. 

Momentarily these are the races that do not have a hero to represent them: Undead, Tauren, Draenei, Gnome, Goblin, Worgen, Troll and Pandaren. I would love to see a Draenei als Priest-hero or Paladin Hero. Also a Troll shaman and Undead Warlock would be awesome. The table below shows some of the possibilities:

Druid | 1. Malfurion Stormrage - Night Elf | 2. Hamuul Runetotem - Tauren.
Hunter | 1. Rexxar - Half-Orc/Ogre | 2. Alleria Windrunner - High Elf.
Mage | 1. Jaina Proudmoore - Human | 2. Medivh - Human.
Uther | 1. Uther Lightbringer - Human | 2.  Yrel (?) - Draenei.
Priest | 1. Anduin Wrynn - Human | 2. Tyrande Wisperwind - Night Elf
Rogue | 1. Valeera Sanguinar - Blood Elf | 2. Garona Halforcen - Half-Orc/Draenei
Shaman | 1. Thrall - Orc | 2. Farseer Nabundo (?) - Broken Dreanei
Warlock | 1. Gul'dan - Orc | 2. Cho'gall (?) - Ogre
Warrior | 1. Garrosh Hellscream - Orc | 2. Magni Bronzebeard - Dwarf.
Special | 1. Lord Jaraxxus - Demon | 2, Ragnaros the Firelord - Elemental.

What I've learned from making this small summary is that It's quite hard in some cases to add more diversity to the heros. I at least hope that the upcoming skins will depict one Tauren, 1 Night Elf, and 1 Dreanei. Judging from the table, that would be possible right? :D Any way, my point is add more variety to the different races in the game!

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