I have to admit I was wrong about Gazlowe. I've never played with him until today. I got bored and made this really dumb Mech deck in less than 2 minutes (by just pushing in all these Mech minions). Holy shit what did I have a fun match! Once I got one Spare Part the entire game became chaos :D.
Every turn I got another random Mech minion in the hand, which on their turn would (sometimes) give another Spare Part. Such great synergy. At one point I had 4 Warbots, a Anima Golem, 10/5 Siege Engine which all got buffed by a Enhance-o Machano.
It was the most fun game I've played in weeks. Finally because lately I'm finding Hearthstone a bit of a drag. There is just not that much to do. I'm not intregued to replay adventures, have all heroes (except for a 47 warrior) on lvl. 60 and playing Ranked is not that rewarding. So besically everything falls back on sheer fun. So I really liked this match and finally had some really fun synergy. Whoever designed Gazlowe, thanks!
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