If you know me well enough, you might know I love
tribal decks or theme decks. That's why I've been playing this Gnome tribal deck for the past days. Not because it's
so strong, but because it's really fun. In my Thinking Tribal articles, I'd
like to brainstorm about playing certain tribal / theme decks. This time I’m
thinking about the Undead.
Undead are a interesting race to think about. The amount of undead minions is a
bit scarce, but they all seem to have a great synergy amongst each other. Just
like the Draenei revolve around healing, Undead revolve around dealing damage
to themselves or killing themselves. The list below shows all undead minions
that are in the current Version of Hearthstone (and from which I know they are
undead). Btw I count the Acolyte of Pain as a undead
minion. That's because the Acolyte of Pain minions in WoW and the Acolytes in
Warcraft 3 are equally undead, even though this art clearly shows a human.
Bloodmage Thalnos | Neutral | 2 Mana | Spellpwr & Deathrattle draw.
Crazed Alchemist | Neutral | 2 Mana | Swap the attack with defense.
Wild Pyromancer | Neutral | 2 Mana | When castspell, deal 1 dmg to all.
Acolyte of Pain| Neutral | 3 Mana | When damaged, draw a card.
Flesheating Ghoul | Neutral | 3 Mana | When damaged, +1/+0Cult Master | Neutral | 4 Mana | when other friendly minion dies, draw card.
Abomination | Neutral | 5 Mana | Deathrattle deal 2 dmg to all.
The Black Knight | Neutral | 6 Mana | Battlecry destroy minion with taunt.
Sylvanas Windrunner | Neutral | 6 Mana | Deathrattle: Mind Control a minion.
Kidnapper | Rogue | 6 Mana | Combo return minion to hand.
Seeders: Wild Pyromancer & Abomination.
Leechers: Bloodmage Thalnos, Acolyte of Pain, Flesheating Ghoul, Cult Master & Sylvanas Windrunner.
You can add some more "Seeders" like Hellfire, if you play Warlock or Windfury if you play Warrior. Warlock is really flavorful for undead, but it seems that the Warrior class brings more dirty tricks to the table. Allowing you to play an Commanding Shout, Battle Rage or even Brawl (if you have Sylvanas Windrunner on the Battlefield). Yes warrior brings some really dirty tricks to the undead. So what I would like for Hearthstone is to add some Undead flavor to this warrior class.
There are alot of cheap 2 - 3 manacost Undead out there and the 5 -6 spots are taken by some nasty Legendaries. Adding any undead would mean it should fit either the one mana or four mana slot. After some tinkering, I came up with the following concept:
Don't mind the dull name. I didn't know how to name him because he's not modelled after an actual in-game NPC The idea behind the Overseer is that he can get two attack by having damaged minions by his side. You can achieve this ofcourse by using all those AoE spells.
I hope you liked this article and the Undercity Overseer. Let me hear what you think about it in the comments.
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