On of the cards; Elder Warstomper is e remade version of the Angry Warstomper. I thought the previous card didn't have to be a epic and should have some better stats.
The Conflicted Brute is a entirely new card. It gives you another Ogre for the 3-mana slot. Giving the possibility of you playing "mono-Ogre". Not-really. But it makes it a bit more possible. It also features the 50% change ability that all Ogre's seem to feature. The difference is that this minion gives Warrior possible free removal by utilizing it's hero ability.
I like the idea's. I would love it, if Blizzard would put a 3-mana Ogre in Neutral or the Warrior class. Please do not add Ogre's to any other class like you did with Mounted Raptor. Seriously if you added that raptor (art wise) to hunter we could have seen some Dinosaur decks. That would have been awesome :D.
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