Hi everyone. It's been a while since my last post. In the
last weeks I have finished my master-thesis and I'm now waiting to hear the
results (very exciting! :D). Today should be the day I get my feedback, so
while waiting I wanted to make an update on the blog:
Ive been looking at the newest spoilers and wanted to thank Blizzard because I really like the new cards that were revealed for the upcoming adventure! Every single card
is awesome and adds so much to the variety to what is currently in the game. Some of these cards have been on my wish list for a while. So, with me waiting for
results and most other gamers waiting for the League of Explorers
adventure; let me talk about the cards I have been waiting for:
One of the first cards I
wanted to see was the Baby Bluegill. I don't think I ever wrote a post about it on the blog, but
she has been sitting in my brainstorm-box for almost two years. The version Blizzard has made (Murloc Tinyfin) is a little bit different from my concept (it has no charge and is a 1/1 instead of a 0/0), but I am overjoyed to see a little baby Murloc in the game. This little Murloc can grow up to be deadly when parented by
a proper War Leader.
From one of my oldest
wants, we jump to one of the newer. In May this year I uploaded the Savage
Raptor concept. This concept showed a two drop Raptor that would get stronger
with allies. Blizzard did give me my raptor (Mounted Raptor), but made him more expensive to cast and gave him the Pilot Shredder ability. A bit disappointing flavor wise,
but at least I can now make my Troll and Raptor deck!
Then there is the Scarab
Hatchling I've been wanting to see. Okay, this one doesn't feature anything
near the idea I had, but it is a Jeweled Scarab. Finally! I love Blizzard so much
for adding a small scarab and for adding Anub' Arak in the previous expansion. I can now finally make a
deck that has any resemblance to the first 'tribe' I ever made for this blog.
In the previous
expansion Blizzard gave me my wishes as well. A long time ago, I had come up with this Summon
portal idea, which was meant to shuffle one minion back into your deck and get
another random minion in return. This card looked very similar to the Unstable
portal that currently resides in the game. The version wanted was a bit more of a gamble and was a lot more expensive to cast. So, I did get the random minion part, the correct artwork and the right class, but in the end it they gave me my portal on steroids! :).
So in the end, I just wanted to show Blizzard how thankful I am
from them to add the cards I always wanted to see. This post also shows how you guys how horrible I am at giving cards the correct stats (Lol :D). Anyway, thanks for the new adventure Blizzard. I am looking forward to your next expansions!