woensdag 9 april 2014

Thinking Tribal: Blood Eleves

In World of Warcraft, I mostly play as an Orc or Blood Elf. I really like these races. Orcs are well represented in Hearthstone. However, Blood Elves seem to be less present in the current game. As always, I start this article with summing up all the minions that belong to this tribe / race. I got the following list:

Secretkeeper | Neutral | 1 Mana | Buffed by Secrets.
Mana Addict | Neutral | 2 Mana | Buffed by Spells.  
Doomsayer | Neutral | 2 Mana | Destroy ALL minions.
Sunfury Protector | Neutral | 2 Mana | Adjacent get Taunt.
Blood Knight | Neutral | 3 Mana | Absorb Devine Shield.
Spellbreaker | Neutral | 4 Mana | Silence minion.
Silvermoon Guardian | Neutral | 4 Mana | Devine Shield.

If you look at these minions, you may notice they revolve around three things. Playing spells, playing secrets (which are spells) and devine shield (which you get from minions or.. you guessed it, from spells) Another thing you notice rather quick is that the Blood Elves lack a leader at the moment. There are no racial legendaries. Finally, you might notice that none of the Bood Elves has a strong body to start with. They all need something to work. Either spells or Devine Shield.

Lor'themar Theron (custom Hearthstone card)Since there is no leader and the 5 mana slot isn't used for this race, I started thinking. According to Wowwiki, Lor'themar Theron is the current leader. So I wanted to implement him into the game. Blood Elves are a strong magic wielding race. So I felt the ability had to do something with magic and spells.

Besides all this, I want to create minions that are resilient to those high mana-costing Legendaries that are so popular. It seems everyone plays Ragnaros these days. (and why not...) But I wanted something to resist him. something that doesn't die from his magical ability. And then it came to me. Why not add a very special Faerie Dragon. Faerie Dragon can't be targeted by spells. What would happen if you slightly change this ability. So that he CAN be targeted, but that those spells don't effect it. This could definitely chance play. And this is how I created the Lor'themar Theron card your seeïng here. 

His 5/4 body makes him a decent minion that's not to overpowering. If it would have been 4/5, he would have replaced the Yeti, which we don't want. So players are able to kill this with decent creatures, however ability's don't work on him. Making him able to survive a Ragnaros, but die against an Ysera. And for those who didn't noticed the combo: Doomsayer + Lor'themar Theron.

I really like this card and absolutely love the artwork. It would be awesome to play with this card. What do you think?  

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