maandag 7 april 2014

Northsea Duelist

I'm Dutch and that means I live very close to the North Sea. So, when I browsed through the Wowhead database and found the Northsea Duelist, I got a smile on my face. I wanted to create a Heartstone card using that name. So I got tinkering. Pirates live on the sea. However, the Pirate tribe is already complete. So I need a card, that can function on it's own, but still had synergy with some of the Pirates. 

This made me think of those old movies where you see people dueling. Not having an full-scale battle. No just two people fighting out of pure rivalry. A "fair" fight. And I’m saying "fair" because you can absolutely abuse an mechanic where you give the opponent the same weapon as the one your wielding. If you're playing Pirates, you have more advantage of having a weapon equipped. Besides that, you can immediatly destroy the opponent's weapon using a Bloodsail Corsair or Buff your weapon by playing Captain Greenskin. So yeah, giving your opponent the same weapon is really nice right? :) 

This is how I came up with the cards your seeing below. I like that you can  abuse the mechanic, however I still think the Northsea Duelist needs a bigger body and a higher mana cost. Now I’m writing this, I think it would be better if she had a [4] mana cost and a 3/4 body. That way she hits the board one turn before Captain Greenskin and gives you a bit more power on the table. Which the pirates could use in my opinion. However, with only 2 Health, the idea is that the Cutlass you're giving your opponent, can kill the Northsea Duelist.
Cutlass (custom Hearthstone card)
Northsea Duelist (custom Hearthstone card)

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